5019 - Discrete Mathematics
Course information
Discrete Mathematics
Course number
Academic year
Science and Tecnology
BSc in Software Engineering
Upper secondary school with mathematics at the level B
Language of instruction
The course is taught in Faroese. The textbook is in English and other instructional materials are in English and Faroese. The exams and projects are formulated in English.
Students on the first semester of B.Sc. in Software Engineering are automatically enrolled. Applicants for an individual course must apply via the Student Service Center at lss@setur.fo
Beginning date
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
End date
Friday, December 20, 2024
Academic content
To give the students an introduction to discrete mathematics with respect to applications in computer science with the purpose to give a good theoretical foundation for further work both with computer sciences and mathematical sciences.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course the student is expected to be able to: • Determine the correctness of mathematical reasoning using logical inference rules. • Formulate simple mathematical arguments, in particular by use of mathematical induction and proof by contradiction. • Carry out calculations and use algorithms within the subject matter of the course, especially ◦ Perform formal logical operations on mathematical assertions ◦ Recognize different types of relations and make use of them ◦ Analyze combinatorial problems using counting arguments as well as algebraic manipulations ◦ Recognize different simple types of graphs and apply certain algorithms associated with graphs ◦ Set up recursive definitions and solve recurrences. Factorize polynomials and compute with complex numbers • Specify the growth rate of a function and to make use of O-notation. And to be able to use l'Hospitals rule in connection with this • Relate the mathematical content of the course to problems in computer science. • Use the software Maple to illustrate and to solve certain problems in both mathematics and in computer science - especially as part of the projects • Use the software LaTeX for writing project
Basic mathematical methods, logic, counting problems, relations, functions, order, l'Hospital´s rule, trees, graphs, usage of the software Maple, and usage of the software LaTeX for writing projects.
Learning and teaching approaches
Lectures, exercise sessions and independent/individual work.
Assessment method
One compulsory activety. The grade is based on written projects and multiple choice test during the course. Reexamination is 3 hours written exam with usual helping aids.
Examination (internal/external)
Grading scale
Exam date/dates
The written exam will be in week 51
Deadline for withdrawal from exam
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Academic responsibility and teachers
Academic responsibility
Mortan Janusarson Thomsen
Mortan Janusarson Thomsen