5040 - Object Oriented Programming with Java 2
Course information
Object Oriented Programming with Java 2
Course number
Academic year
Science and Tecnology
BSc in Software Engineering, Diploma of Higer Education in Web Development
• 5010.16 Introduction to computer science • 5037.20 Introductory programming with Python • 5016.20 Computer networks and data communication • 5039.21 Object oriented programming with Java 1
Language of instruction
The course is taught in Faroese and Danish. The textbook is in English and other instructional materials are in English, and possibly Danish, and Faroese. Exams may be in Faroese, Danish, or English.
Students on the third semester of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and first semester of Diploma in Higher Education of Web Development are automatically enrolled. Applicants for an individual course must apply via the Student Service Center at lss@setur.fo
Beginning date
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
End date
Friday, December 20, 2024
Academic content
To explore more complex subjects within object-oriented programming. • Development of graphical user interfaces (GUI) • Generic classes and methods, and custom data structures • Concurrency using threads • Networking and network communication
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing the course, students should be able to: • Create and design graphical user interfaces with the support of event-driven programming in Java • Create and design a fully functioning GUI application with both file and network I/O • Design, create and utilize classes, methods, and interfaces for specific purposes • Design, create and utilize generic classes and methods for specific purposes • Design, create and utilize generic data structures for specific purposes • Utilize networking and network communication and I/O • Utilize concurrency, including designing and creating threads and thread control for specific purposes
• Component-based and modular graphical user interfaces • Event-driven programming • Common generic data structures • Threads and thread synchronization • Networking and network I/O • I/O management and streams
Learning and teaching approaches
Lectures and both group and individual assignments. 4-6 mandatory assignments must be passed to be eligible for the examination.
Assessment method
Project work and oral examination. The project serves as basis for the oral examination. The exam project consists of a subset of the mandatory assignments. This means the exam project is developed throughout most of the course. The mandatory assignments must be passed to be eligible for the examination, and re-examination.
Examination (internal/external)
Grading scale
Exam date/dates
The examination hand-in date is on the 20th of December, 2024. The oral exam is set for the 9th and 10th of January, 2025
Deadline for withdrawal from exam
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Academic responsibility and teachers
Academic responsibility
Niels-Christian Borbjerg
Niels-Christian Borbjerg