6940 - Physical Education – Health, Body and Movement l
Course information
Physical Education – Health, Body and Movement l
Course number
Academic year
BEd in Pedagogical Development
Language of instruction
The course is taught in Faroese. The textbooks are in Danish, and other instructional materials are in Faroese, Danish, and English. Group work, presentations etc. are in Faroese.
Students on the third and fourth academic year of Bachelor of Education in Pedagogical Development apply for specialised subjects via Moodle. Applicants for an individual course may apply via the Faculty of Education Office by sending an email to NAD@setur.fo, if there are available places.
Beginning date
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
End date
Monday, November 11, 2024
Academic content
The purpose of the course is for the students with a starting point in a pedagogical and didactic theory and physical education acquire insight in movement and play within the pedagogical field and be able to prepare and adjust an activity. This, to strengthen the ability to move and the movement development for toddlers, children and young people in the immediate environment, in water and in the institution.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student should be able to: • Explain and analyze fundamental movement and movement development. • Explain and analyze concepts within pedagogy and play theories. • Organize and adjust movement activities that strengthen and develop sensory and motor development (gross and fine motor skills) based on didactical and pedagogical principles and processes. • Describe how different rooms (places (fjords, meadows, halls, institutions, playgrounds, outdoor areas etc.)) can be used for movement development and play possibilities. • Reflect, discuss, evaluate pedagogical development processes approaches in physical education.
Main subjects of the course: • Fundamental knowledge about motor skills and sensory development for children. • Fundamental pedagogical and didactical principals and processes. • Play development. Adjust and develop activities and movement for the toddlers, children, young people and their competencies and development. • The possibility of movement in relation to the space location or place. Where, when, and how. • Swimming lessons (water activities) - Safety and movement in water. Safety, lifesaving and first aid.
Learning and teaching approaches
The lessons are structured lectures, guest lectures, discussions, group an individual assignments, showings, and practicum.
Assessment method
Written assignment.
Examination (internal/external)
Grading scale
Exam date/dates
The written assignment is due for submission the 1st of November, 2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Academic responsibility and teachers
Academic responsibility
Bára Berghamar Danielsen
Bára Berghamar Danielsen