8880 heyst - The Human Body
Course information
The Human Body
Course number
Academic year
Deildin fyri Heilsu- og Sjúkrarøktarvísindi
BSC in Nursing
Language of instruction
Automatic enrolment with admission to study nursing.
Beginning date
Monday, November 11, 2024
End date
Monday, January 6, 2025
Academic content
For the student to acquire knowledge about how the body is structured and how it functions anatomically, physiologically and biochemically.
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete the module can demonstrate ability to: • Describe the body’s anatomic structure • Explain the functions of organs, tissues and cells in the body • Describe the process of gene transmission and which genetic factors impact on the development of certain diseases • Describe the position of the organs in relation to each other • Explain the interaction between the different organs and explain the body’s regulation mechanism (homeostasis) • Explain key biochemical processes in the body • Communicate knowledge about the structure and function of the human body • Demonstrate responsibility for own learning and demonstration teamwork skills in interactions with the teacher and fellow students Refer to the document: Subject-specific contents of anatomy/physiology/biochemistry/genetics, which describes the expected level of knowledge and learning outcomes in these subjects in further detail.
The course will begin with a look at the cell and tissues. We will then move on to the different vital organ systems. We will conclude by focusing on how the vital organ systems are linked and how the body strives for homeostasis. The teaching and learning in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry includes the following topics: the cell and cell division, DNA and DNA replication, cell differentiation, metabolism, diffusion and osmosis, electrolyte and fluid balance, nervous system, skeleton, muscles, senses, the skin, temperature regulation, blood, blood vessels, lymphatic system, heart, blood circulation, airways, lungs, immune system, digestive tract, liver, urinary tract, kidney, the endocrine function of the kidney, the hormonal system. Within genetics we will emphasises the composition and function of genetic units and chromosomes at the molecular level and how they are inherited, as well as hereditary diseases and their prevention.
Learning and teaching approaches
Teaching and learning is organised as alternating lectures, dialogue, group assignments, study questions, quizzes, reading groups and self-study.
Assessment method
Individual four-hour written exam without study aids. Refer to the Examination Requirements.
Examination (internal/external)
Grading scale
Exam date/dates
The written exam is set for 17th of January, 2025
Deadline for withdrawal from exam
Monday, November 11, 2024
Academic responsibility and teachers
Academic responsibility
Tórur Sjúrðarson
Tórur Sjúrðarson